logotypebird design
+1 747 298 62 03[email protected]
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How we work

Our approach to design is rooted in engineering. We understand that the aesthetic appeal of a product is only one aspect of its success. Our team conducts thorough research and testing to ensure that the final product meets the needs of our clients and their target audience.

Our services include


In-depth research to understand the business, audience, and competitors


Facelift, to refresh the style of a product with limited resources


Branding, to package the meaning and create a unique corporate identity and logo

Interface and service design

Interface and service design, to help launch new services and create turnkey application designs.

Design process

The key elements of successful interface design

Our approach to designing interfaces is built on three fundamental pillars: research, engineering, and aesthetics. We will delve deeper into each of these components to give you a better understanding of how we work.


We conduct thorough research and analysis of the product, audience, and market to establish the foundation for our design solution. This includes communicating with the customer, studying their business processes, and researching user behavior and market trends. Our goal is to fully understand the customer's needs and create a comprehensive requirements specification to guide development.

The goal: to immerse ourselves in the customer's business, to lay the foundation for a further design solution.

Product Analysis

We closely work with the customer to understand their business processes and study the user portrait. We also prepare a list of integrations that will be useful for the software development.


We analyze user behavior, conduct surveys and interviews, study market trends, and research competitors. We gather insights and ideas for product development.

Goal: to fully understand our customer's business by researching their users, market, and competitors. By doing so, we aim to gather valuable insights and ideas for the development of our product.

Requirements Specification

We create a detailed description of the functionality, requirements, and limitations of the product, which will guide the development team.

The objective: To develop a comprehensive set of specifications that will guide the development team in creating a high-quality IT product. This includes converting the customer's business needs into technical requirements.


We develop user scenarios, create prototypes, and design the basic logic of the product.

Custom Scenarios

We create a list of custom scenarios for the interface, to ensure all necessary functionality is included.

The goal is to write out as much detail as possible about each scenario, so as not to miss anything in the interface.

Interface Structure

We overlay the custom scenarios onto the interface structure, determining the number of screens and their content. This creates a map of the screens and allows us to see how all the user scenarios fit together. If you want to know more about our work, please contact us to see our portfolio of use cases.

The goal is to create a map of the screens and put all the user scenarios there.


Clarify the functionality of each screen, draw them schematically.

The goal: build an interactive, clickable prototype of the app. It is not a real application, but it looks just like the real thing. This prototype can already be shown and even clicked on.

Usability testing

After the prototype is developed, you test the hypotheses on real users. We gather focus groups, write an interview script, conduct testing. In the output we always get unexpected insights and recommendations. After that we process feedback and make changes to the prototype.

The goal: to collect the first feedback from users.


At this stage, the magic of design is done. The interface takes its final form and is sent for development.

Design concept

We present the only true design, which solves the business and the user's problem.

The goal: to create a design concept of the application which is the basis for the future work.

Screen array design

Scaling the concept, wrapping all the screens. Putting the finishing touches and specifications.

The goal: to complete the design of all the screens.

Interface animation.

Animating things if necessary. Sometimes not animated, depending on the tasks. Usually onboarding is useful.

The goal: to animate the interface with small but nice touches.

Transferring layouts

We prepare layouts and pass them to the developers.

The goal: to prepare the mockups for further development.


We try to move away from abstractions and not be hostage to one methodology. We took four of them as a basis, and for each project we choose the appropriate tools. We are open to new solutions. If a new methodology appears on the market, we will definitely test it.


Customer Journey Map. The history of a customer's interaction with the company from the moment he/she realizes the need to repeat communications.

Objective: to improve the customer experience and thus the business performance.


Jobs to be Done - a theory about user behavior.

Goal: understand why users have bought products in the past and predict whether they will buy in the future.


CustDev - the process of getting insights from users, usually through interviews.

Goal: to create, test and optimize ideas for product development.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking - a method of developing user-centered products, services and services.

Goal: to go beyond existing stereotypes and habitual ways of solving a problem.

What we do


We will help you form a task in the designer's language and will accurately evaluate the task in terms of cost and timing.

Team building

Together with an art director we will build a team with the right competencies. We will monitor compliance with deadlines and the quality of the work.


All communication takes place through your account. It includes your entire project history, work reports and all the project files. We are on there for you 24/7.


We work under an agreement. We are responsible for adhering to copyright regulations, managing work quality, and mediating the terms of work.

Grow your business.

Interested in partnering with us? We love to hear from ambitious clients! Tell us what you’re looking to achieve and how we can contribute.

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